Phone: 416-224-5959

Early Intervention (In Centre) Program

Early Intervention: Step 2 (Ages 2- 5 years) – In Centre

  1. Targets skills across developmental domains (i.e., social attention, communication, imitation, play, daily living skills and joint attention)
  2. Features both adult and child as partners in learning, with data collection to support planning
  3. Periodic consultations by an occupational therapy and a speech-language pathologist
  4. 1:1 Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Intervention (NDBI) with a therapist at ISAND

Assessment Phase:
5.5 hour assessment and plan development
Treatment Phase (options):

  1. 3 hours sessions x 2sessions per week
  2. 2 hours sessions x 3 sessions per week
  3. 2 hours sessions x 2 sessions per week

Social Peers Program

Format: Virtual or In-Person options are available
Session length: 60 minutes per session
Program Length: Program will be based on ISAND Care Cycles and will run for (approximately) 12 weeks at a time. Program Length to be confirmed at Intake
Eligibility: Ages 3-18
Screening Visit: required for new enrollments (Screening visits are billed separately from Program)
 Small group sessions of 2 – 4 participants;
 Groups consist of similar aged peers working on similar goals, similar support needs for language, behaviour, etc., and/or have some similar interests;
 Groups facilitated by ISAND clinicians from a variety of backgrounds;
 Goals to be addressed include: verbal and non-verbal communication; sharing; turn taking; cooperation; negotiation and play skills based on the Social Thinking ™ concepts and teachings
Cost: To be confirmed at Intake

Living a Social Life

Format: Virtual
Session length: 60 minutes per session
Program Length: Program will be based on ISAND Care Cycles and will run for (approximately) 12 weeks at a time. Program Length to be confirmed at Intake
Eligibility: Ages 18+
Screening Visit: completion of intake form and initial (virtual) screening required
 Small group sessions of 2 – 4 participants;
 Groups facilitated by a Speech & Language Pathologist;
 This program is designed for those with nuanced social skill challenges and could include individuals with ASD, ADHD, or other challenges, who function with the normal limits of language and cognition. Using the Social Thinking framework TM (, group participants will discuss abstract concepts including: thoughts; feelings; goal setting; and
social consequences;
 Potential candidates are asked to complete the intake form independently;
 Topics to be discussed include: Independent living and social interactions; the World of Work – how to be connected at work; Recreational World – joining in on activities and relationships.
 Through discussion, videos and skill building activities, you will enjoy increased confidence in social communication at home, at work, and at play.
Cost: To be confirmed at Intake

Getting Social Program

Format: Virtual and In-Person Formats may be offered
Session length: 60 minutes per session
Program Length: Program will be based on ISAND care Cycles and will run for (approximately) 12 weeks at a time. Program Length to be confirmed at Intake
Eligibility: Ages 8+
Screening Visit: Required for new enrollments (Screening visits are billed separately from Program)
 Small group sessions of 2 – 4 participants;
 Groups facilitated by a Speech-Language Pathologist;
 Groups consist of similar aged peers working on similar goals, similar support needs for language, behaviour, etc., and/or have some similar interests;
 Activities and outings are designed to support carryover of skills to school, community, and home settings;
 Goals are co-developed for group and individual participants and will address: verbal and non-verbal communication; learning to be a “Social detective”; recognizing expected and unexpected social behaviours; using the eyes, body and brain for interacting via Social Thinking ™ concepts and teachings
Cost: To be confirmed at Intake

Feeling Social: CBT and social cognition to address anxiety

Format: Virtual or In-Person options are available
Session length: 60 minutes per session, one (1) session per week
Program Length: Program will be based on ISAND Care Cycles and will run for (approximately) 12 weeks at a time. Program Length to be confirmed at Intake
Eligibility: Ages 10+
Screening Visit: required for new enrollments (Screening visits are billed separately from Program)
 Small group sessions of 3-5 participants;
 Groups facilitated by a Speech-Language Pathologist and a Clinical Psychologist;
 Focus is on Cognitive-Behavioural T (CBT)herapy and elements from the Social Thinking ™ curriculum;
 Targets social and emotional well-being by addressing social anxiety;
 Through the program, participants will learn:
o the foundations of CBT (feelings, thoughts, and actions);
o how to apply these foundations to reduce social anxiety;
o mindfulness skills to reduce anxiety;
o social concepts including thinking with your eyes, following a group plan, being a flexible thinker
o social problem solving strategies
 Participants will practice implementing new social cognition skills in the group
Cost: To be confirmed at Intake

Behaviour Intervention Program (BIP)

Format: Virtual or In-Person options are available
Session Length: Individualized dependent on client needs (typically 1-2 hours per week)
Program Length: The BIP is delivered during ISAND Care Cycles of (approximately) twelve weeks. Length of participation depends on individualized behaviour change goals.
Eligibility: All ages with some exceptions based on individual treatment goals/expectations. To be confirmed at Intake.
Intake Meeting: An initial intake meeting is conducted with the client and/or family to gather detailed client history and information, discuss behaviour concerns, and begin to prioritize goals for behaviour change.
Behaviour Plan: An individualized behaviour plan is created for the client and/or family, which may consist of any of the following, depending on identified needs: a) skill-building goals; b) parent coaching goals; c) a plan to reduce challenging behaviour and/or increase desired behaviours.
 One to one intervention or small group format
 Therapy provided by BCBA, or a Behaviour Consultant under the supervision of a BCBA
 May consist of any one or combination of the following: direct therapy with the client individually or in a small group; parent coaching to implement behaviour-based strategies at home or in the community; coaching for other service providers who work with the client (teacher, daycare worker, other service providers).
 Goals will be developed in conjunction with the client and/or family and will be highly individualized depending on needs
 Goal progression and Behaviour Plan will be reviewed regularly and at client or family request
Cost: A detailed Behaviour Intervention Program service agreement outlining all costs and ISAND policies will be provided to the client and/or family prior to services beginning.

Behaviour Intervention Program (interim Early Intervention)

Format: In Person sessions available In-Centre or In-Home
Session length: two (2) or three (3) hours per session, for up to three (3) sessions per week
Program Length: The Program is delivered during ISAND Care cycles of (approximately) twelve weeks. Individuals typically participate for several consecutive care cycles and average eighteen (18) months (full Early Intervention) total in the program.
Eligibility: Ages 18 months – 6 years
Screening Visit: Not Required
 One to One intervention;
 Therapy provided by Behaviour Therapist under the supervision of BCBA;
 Goals to be determined individually and will be based on ESDM checklists.
 Goals will be developed in conjunction with the family and will address some, or all, of the following domains: Receptive Communication; Expressive Communication; Social Skills; Imitation; Cognition; Play: Fine and Gross Motor; Behaviour; Personal Independence
 Goal progression and Plan will be reviewed regularly and at family request.
Cost: To be confirmed at Intake