Phone: 416-224-5959

Getting Social Program

Format: Virtual and In-Person Formats may be offered
Session length: 60 minutes per session
Program Length: Program will be based on ISAND care Cycles and will run for (approximately) 12 weeks at a time. Program Length to be confirmed at Intake
Eligibility: Ages 8+
Screening Visit: Required for new enrollments (Screening visits are billed separately from Program)
 Small group sessions of 2 – 4 participants;
 Groups facilitated by a Speech-Language Pathologist;
 Groups consist of similar aged peers working on similar goals, similar support needs for language, behaviour, etc., and/or have some similar interests;
 Activities and outings are designed to support carryover of skills to school, community, and home settings;
 Goals are co-developed for group and individual participants and will address: verbal and non-verbal communication; learning to be a “Social detective”; recognizing expected and unexpected social behaviours; using the eyes, body and brain for interacting via Social Thinking ™ concepts and teachings
Cost: To be confirmed at Intake